Exporting from Easypower to csv., etc....

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Toronto, ON
We have an Easypower .dez file that I would like to have exported to .csv or some other format that we can get the data from. Can anyone help me out with this?
Thanks in advance.
I am assuming you have the file but do not have the program, is that correct?

Do you have another program such as ETAP, PTW, or some other software? If so, they usually have the capability to do file conversion. Just send them the file and tell them what format you need.
Yes, that's correct. We do not have Easypower. We use SKM and I have contacted them about doing the conversion and they do not. We should have went with ETAP I guess.
Yes, that's correct. We do not have Easypower. We use SKM and I have contacted them about doing the conversion and they do not. We should have went with ETAP I guess.

You might try contacting Easypower and ask them if they can export to something else, like a .csv and send them the file. Might be a fee but you never know.
I did. We were willing to pay them to do it. They said they would not because they want to hook us for $3k+ for their Safety Tracker program. Like I said, we should have went with ETAP. Anyway, we are looking for someone who has Easypower who would be willing to do the export. Not sure what this involves in Easypower but in SKM it is simple.
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