extending existing parallel feeder.

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The question is do we have to update to current codes by installing an additional conductor for a neutral load if it is without..... currently b/c it feeds an equipment type panel board with only three phase ahu's.... I need an article in code to reference for boss. Thanx
I'm confused. Are you saying you have a feeder with a panelboard at the load end that supplies, at present, only line to line load and now you want to add line to neutral load? If that is the case, of course you need to install a neutral conductor. This has nothing to do with "current code". Maybe I'm not understanding correctly?
No anticipated nuetral to line loads.

No anticipated nuetral to line loads.

The question again is whether or not if you extend
A feeder which currently does not hv a nuetral, is it required to upgrade the feeder per the 08 by adding a nuetral? Is it non code compliant to simply tap the three phases and the ground and extend them to be longer to be able to move existing panel board.
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