Extension Cords

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The kitchen at our church has a warming table rated at 125V 25A. The cord is a 10/3 finished with a three prong 125V 30A Twist Lock Plug. The outlet is 125V 30A match.

The Breaker is 30A.

We needed to temporarily move the steam table outside for a Pancake Breakfast on a 125' cord. Funds not being available for purchasing a 125'of cord, I spliced two two pieces of cord together using Scotch Locks. The section closest to the wall outlet was 50' of 6/4 and the section closest to the warming table was 100' of 8/3.

I insulated the splice and all ends with multiple layers of black tape.

Does anyone see any problems with using this hookup


Senior Member
Re: Extension Cords

If you are concerned about safety(maybe people will be walking on or around the cord), perhaps you should provide GFCI protection in the form of a 1P30 gfci breaker. You know what they say, better safe than sorry. :)

[ September 11, 2005, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: redfish ]


Re: Extension Cords

Pancake Breakfast was held in the parking lot because church was being used at the time. And there is no power in the parking lot.


Re: Extension Cords

People walking on it was not the issue. One of our church members.....a used-to-be inspector (I don't know where)was complaining that the cord would cause a fire in the wall in the kitchen ??? And insisted on a "Certified Assembley" ... what's a Certified Assembly anayway?


Senior Member
Re: Extension Cords

Is this a 1 day event?

I am not so sure why this should start a fire in the wall. It is the same load as previously, and you oversized the conductors for voltage drop. Still using a 30 overcurrent protective device.

Art 525 is what you would need to conform to.


Senior Member
Re: Extension Cords

Tell this ex inspector that the church would be more than willing to accept his generous offer of the certified assembly, or that if his credentials are current and the church is in his jurisdiction maybe he should just certify it and let that be that. That should be the last you hear about it.

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: Extension Cords

Originally posted by SamV:
One of our church members.....a used-to-be inspector (I don't know where)was complaining...
Then tell him to tithe in the dough for 125' of SO cord. :D

I don't know what a "certified assembly" is either. :roll:


Senior Member
Re: Extension Cords

Why not make splice inside a box ? As to that member, i would tell him to pay for it or just shut up.What makes him in position to demand anything.


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: Extension Cords

80.27 (A) ??.. shall be certified by a ?? recognized ?.. certification program accepted by
The word assembly is quoted almost 250 times which would be far too many to cover in this post so I will point to only one.

ARTICLE 518 Assembly Occupancies
518.1 Scope.
Except for the assembly occupancies explicitly covered by 520.1, this article covers all buildings or portions of buildings or structures designed or intended for the gathering together of 100 or more persons for such purposes as deliberation, worship,
originally posted by dillon3c Certainly certified, by a assembly...
In this case of this post we are talking about a church therefore I conclude that "certified assembly" is meant to be an ordained (certification program accepted by) gathering (the assembly of 100 or more persons for such purpose of worship)

I can see where the "certified assembly" ( ordained gathering ) could apply to the church group but fail to see how we could ordain ( certify ) a cord.
:D :D :D


Senior Member
Re: Extension Cords

Black tape isn't going to work.

National Electrical Code 400.9 Splices states: ?Flexible cord shall be used only in continuous lengths without splice or tap where initially installed in applications permitted by 400.7(A). The repair of hard-service cord and junior hard-service cord (see Trade Name column in Table 400.4) 14 AWG and larger shall be permitted if conductors are spliced in accordance with 110.14(B) and the completed splice retains the insulation, outer sheath properties, and usage characteristics of the cord being spliced.? The provisions of this section permit repair of a cord in such a manner that the cord will retain its original operating and use integrity. However, if the repaired cord is reused or reinstalled at a new location, the in-line repair is no longer permitted and the cord can be used only in lengths that do not contain a splice.


Staff member
Re: Extension Cords

Originally posted by petersonra:
400.9 applies to installed cord, not extension cords.
Maybe, but they are covered by Article 527 which unless this is a construction site a box is required. :)

bonding jumper

Senior Member
Re: Extension Cords

Why don't you just cook one pancake inside and pick up a bottle of orange juice, have Jesus do some multiplying in the parking lot. It would be cheaper than all other solutions.

If that is not possible, make sure the cables are appropriate for their installation, ie: rated for submersion in holy water or the blood of christ. The cable must also be resistant to satan and comply with CEC (Church Electrical Code = Bible). If you size the cables correctly, people will react similar to the following passage.
Exodus 14:31:
And when the Israelites saw the great power the LORD displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant.

Just pokin a little fun at this. I don't mean to offend anybody.


Senior Member
Re: Extension Cords

Ask Mr. Ex-Inspector to get a junction box for you or 125" of cord with a male and female end caps.

This guy sounds like one of "those inspectors."

Can you install a permanent outlet on the outside for use in the parking lot? Your cord would naturally be much shorter and the outlet would be available for future use. Maybe you can do this for next year's event.


Staff member
State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
Re: Extension Cords

follow iwire's recommendation and buy Mr. Insp a I-HOP gift certificate and tell him to get his pancakes there on pancake day.....while he's there he can inspect their kitchen and probably make a whole list.

[ September 13, 2005, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: augie47 ]


Senior Member
Re: Extension Cords

to me, this situation is always a toss-up. since the guy said it would cause a fire in the wall, he didn't know what he was talking about. There might have been a couple of things to make it better, but i don't think it is important since the event is over.

The actual issue is what to do with the irksome one. Like I said it is a toss up,either ignore or respond, either with niceness or with a put-it-up-there attitude. it's a church where kindness is meant to prevail. if it were me, I would probably say some smartass thing, but it's you and your church and a fellow member.


George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: Extension Cords

Originally posted by apauling:
...but i don't think it is important since the event is over.
That's presumptive. This could be the home of the world-reknowned two-week long endurance event commonly known as "The Fortnight of A Billion Pancakes & Intestinal Sorrows."
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