I don't have meter data or utility bills so my lead electrical engineer suggested that I connect a current meter for a few hours during the middle of the day to determine peak usage. Am i correct that that would not be sufficient to determine peak usage and in this case I am forced to calculate the load of the whole building?
Not correct
Exception: If the maximum demand data for a 1-year period is not available, the calculated
load shall be permitted to be based on the maximum demand (measure of average power
demand over a 15-minute period) continuously recorded over a minimum 30-day period using
a recording ammeter or power meter connected to the highest loaded phase of the feeder or
service, based on the initial loading at the start of the recording. The recording shall reflect the
maximum demand of the feeder or service by being taken when the building or space is
occupied and shall include by measurement or calculation the larger of the heating or cooling
equipment load, and other loads that may be periodic in nature due to seasonal or similar