The content of my inquiry involves use of UL96 listed components. I don’t have access to the UL96 standard so I’m not certain yet if can enforce it for catenary dead-end clamp system where the overhead cable is connected to the mast. The contractor on our project is claiming they can’t find dead-end clamps (rope grips, etc.) that are rated for LPS installation, and NFPA 780 also doesn’t allude to specific clamps needing to be UL96 rated either. My project still expects Catenary Lightning Protection System using UL Listed and Labeled material, but would this material necessarily have to be UL96 listed specifically?
Screen shoot of the setup attached. Still researching the vendor material, but would the highlighted material shown need to be UL96 listed since it makes contact with the conductor?

Screen shoot of the setup attached. Still researching the vendor material, but would the highlighted material shown need to be UL96 listed since it makes contact with the conductor?