Exterior breeze-way lighting

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I have an instance where a superintendant is insisting that fluorescent lighting in a exterior breeze-way between 2 buildings needs to be AB switched. There are no local controls and these lights are controlled by a time clock and the only controls would be if I put the circuit on an additional breaker. He is telling me that I need to do this Due to Title 24 code here in California. These lights are exterior lighting. I have never heard of AB on exterior lighting can anyone let me know if I need to do this?


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Staff member
Logan, Utah
For those of us who are clueless, what is AB switching?

I believe that what the OPer is refering to is dual level switching to comply with the energy codes.

I am not familar with California's Title 24 so I can't really answer for that code.

The IECC (International Energy Conservation Code) requires that exterior lighting be controled by a time clock. There is no additional requirements that an exterior lighting element be dual level switched.

sorry for not elaborating and assuming only ppl from california would reply to my post

Title 24 is a code section in the California Building Code that deals with Energy effeciency and has been evolving and getting more stringant since the late 90s. The questions I have is about changes to exterior lighting and if there are any referances to bi-level exterior switching that has been implemented in the newest Title 24 changes.
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