Exterior electrical equipment near window

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Long Beach Ca.
Elecrical Contractor
An inspector made me move a small exterior load center becuase it was within 36" of an operable window.
40 years in the industry and never been called on this. Combed through the NEC and could not find an artical.
Inspector did not site artical number. Emailed and called the head electrical inspector and got no response.
So Cal Edison wants 10" clearance from any window for meter/main service equipment.
This was a 8/16 3R load center feeding an ADU.
Any thoughts? Or did I not find an artical pertaining to this?
There is a requirement for clearances to service drops and outsider feeders to openable windows, and the ConEd rule is for services, this is a feeder panel, right?
Your AHJ needs to give you the NEC section.
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An inspector made me move a small exterior load center becuase it was within 36" of an operable window.
40 years in the industry and never been called on this. Combed through the NEC and could not find an artical.
Inspector did not site artical number. Emailed and called the head electrical inspector and got no response.
So Cal Edison wants 10" clearance from any window for meter/main service equipment.
This was a 8/16 3R load center feeding an ADU.
Any thoughts? Or did I not find an artical pertaining to this?
He was wrong, plain and simple.
If the drip loop on an overhead service was within three feet, leave the load center where it is and move the drip loop.
I am in complete agreement with you all. No drip loops or overhead service feeders involed.
Will definitly request artical number in future.
Thx for the responses!
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