Exterior under canopy lighting


Senior Member
I’m posting this here because there seems to be much more attention paid to this heading.

I’m looking to figure exterior lighting for a restaurant that recently installed a canopy with business name along the entire width of the front of their building.

Planning to use damp rated LED strips. The top of the canopy is completely enclosed . Would it be safe to say it’s a damp and not a wet location?

My thought is to run the fixtures horizontally across the entire width half way up the height . That height would be where the lettering is located.

Should the fixtures be continuous ( end to end) or have some spacing between them.

Would dark spots be evident with say a 12” spacing between fixtures?



Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Doesn't sound like it meets the Article 100 definition of a wet location. End to end.

Location, Damp.
Locations protected from weather and not subject to saturation with water or other liquids but subject to moderate degrees of moisture. (CMP-1)
Informational Note: Examples of such locations include partially protected locations under canopies, marquees, roofed open porches, and like locations, and interior locations subject to moderate degrees of moisture, such as some basements, some barns, and some cold-storage warehouses.

Location, Wet.
Installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact with the earth; in locations subject to saturation with water or other liquids, such as vehicle washing areas; and in unprotected locations exposed to weather.