External Ground Bus Bar Mounting?

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New member
Vancouver, WA
I have been studying the Motorola R-56 Standards. I was hoping to get clarity on a mounting questions from the forum. I have attached a picture to aid in my question.


I would like to upgrade the grounding system of a Rohn G-Series Bracketed tower. The R-56 Standard is very clear. However, I'm confused with the mounting of the bus bar at the base of the mast. If you look at my image above:
My intention was to mount this H bar to the cross members of the galvanized Rohn tower with SS U-bolts. Then run my coax grounding kit connectors to it from each coax cable from my antenna's...

1. Is it ok to mount a Copper Bus bar to galvanized metal? Should I be concerned with a reduction cell potentials between the two metals???
2. The center ground lug I have on here is fastened with a bolt. Should I exothermically weld it to the bus bar?

Thanks in advance,
Ceb works with it all the time and I do on occasion but I don't know what is required on the outside. My company does the building. (not Rohn) Aren't they out of business?
Ceb may be able to tell you.
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