"extra usage" weather-proof covers

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Who are some good manufacturers of "extra usage" in-use weather-proof covers? An inspector recently told me that my temporary service needed to have them per NEC 2011 code. Are there any approved ones that fit on a "bell box". I would rather not tear off all of my bell boxes and install "midwest" style enclosures.
The ones I have seen are part of a hard enclosure- midwest type boxes. They are not required for residential one & two family but they are elsewhere. 406.9(B)
As far as I know there are no listed products available to comply with this rule at this time. The standard that is needed to get a listed product is not complete and won't be for another year or so. There are products that are more durable than others, but nothing listed for the purpose.
As far as I know there are no listed products available to comply with this rule at this time. The standard that is needed to get a listed product is not complete and won't be for another year or so. There are products that are more durable than others, but nothing listed for the purpose.

from 406.9(B):
Forother than one- or two-family dwellings, an outlet box hoodinstalled for this purpose shall be listed, and where installedon an enclosure supported from grade as described in314.23(B) or as described in 314.23(F) shall be identified as​

What exactly does this mean? My first thought was pedestal type mounted devices, but then when reading the mentioned 314.23 B & F sections I am totally confused as to what this statement is even there for.
Extra duty in-use cover

Extra duty in-use cover

I too am confused on this. Is there an approved cover available for this? We all know that traditional "bubble" covers are pretty tender and you always see them missing/broken, especially in commercial environments, so I can see the codes intent. As noted by others, I really like the Midwest stuff but am unsure if these fit the requirement, Any inspectors have a thought on this?
I too am confused on this. Is there an approved cover available for this? We all know that traditional "bubble" covers are pretty tender and you always see them missing/broken, especially in commercial environments, so I can see the codes intent. As noted by others, I really like the Midwest stuff but am unsure if these fit the requirement, Any inspectors have a thought on this?
There is nothing listed for this application as there is no standard to list to. The UL rep at one of the code change classes I attened said it would be 2 to 3 years before there is even a standard for the manufacturers to build to. At this time, you can continue to use whatever product you have been using based on 90.4 and the approval of the AHJ.
90.4 ...
Code may require new products, constructions, or materials that may not yet be available at the time the Code is adopted. In such event, the authority having jurisdiction may permit the use of the products, constructions, or materials that comply with the most recent previous edition of this Code adopted by the jurisdiction.
There is nothing listed for this application as there is no standard to list to. The UL rep at one of the code change classes I attened said it would be 2 to 3 years before there is even a standard for the manufacturers to build to. At this time, you can continue to use whatever product you have been using based on 90.4 and the approval of the AHJ.

Unlike AFCI's where someone had a product and wanted to get it into code so they can sell it.
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