Facilities Wiring Text

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Senior Member
My own background is in semiconductor fab, laser design, and circuit board design, so I'm largely self taught and often lost hopping about in the code books when it comes to industrial wiring. I've taught some of the EE courses in my areas of experience at the local college and we discussed the absense of a good facilities course there (or anywhere else). They have machines & motors, and power delivery and distribution, but nothing specifically on facilities wiring. It tends to be covered a little in the overlap, but not much.

Can anyone recommend a text(s)? I would think such a course would cover the basics plus hazardous locations, hospitals, fire & emergency systems, generators, UPS, and backup systems, hooking up new machinery, generating new Volatges and frequencies to test equipment for foreign sales, chemical plants, lightning protection, etc.

Much of electrical engineering has gone to computer programming lately. And even when they teach power and machines, it tends to be from the theory & math end, and doesn't delve into the code too much - mainly because the students couldn't afford to buy $500+ of code books to cover those bases on top of their other texts.



Senior Member
Northern illinois
I would not be reinventing the wheel. there are a fair number of tech or community colleges that have an industrial maintenance program.

I do not think all the things you want to cram into one course is going to fit.
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