Okay, Ive studied and studied, and searched and searched I failed have one more chance here some im Absolutely not sure of:
An accessible mean external to enclosures for connecting intersystem bonding and grounding electrode conductors shall be provided at the building disconnecting means by:
A) an exposed flexable metalic raceway
b)an exposed RNC raceway
c)the phone company
D) a 6 AWG copper conductor bonded to the enclosure at one end and with at least ^" accessible on the outside wall
I choose D
conductors supplying a continous rated, varying duty motor shall have an ampacity of not less than
A) 125 nameplate
B) 140% nameplate
C) 150% nameplate
D) 200% nameplate
I choose A
a bonding jumper connected between the communications grounding electrode system and power grounding electrode sys at the building or structure served where sep electrodes are used shall be no smaler than
B)10 AWG
Im not sure how many tries they give us - but I have never had a complaint about my work Now I can't even answer quest. on my way only way of making a living. Does this mean I should get another occupation after 25 years? Thanks for your help!!
An accessible mean external to enclosures for connecting intersystem bonding and grounding electrode conductors shall be provided at the building disconnecting means by:
A) an exposed flexable metalic raceway
b)an exposed RNC raceway
c)the phone company
D) a 6 AWG copper conductor bonded to the enclosure at one end and with at least ^" accessible on the outside wall
I choose D
conductors supplying a continous rated, varying duty motor shall have an ampacity of not less than
A) 125 nameplate
B) 140% nameplate
C) 150% nameplate
D) 200% nameplate
I choose A
a bonding jumper connected between the communications grounding electrode system and power grounding electrode sys at the building or structure served where sep electrodes are used shall be no smaler than
B)10 AWG
Im not sure how many tries they give us - but I have never had a complaint about my work Now I can't even answer quest. on my way only way of making a living. Does this mean I should get another occupation after 25 years? Thanks for your help!!