Fair housing act kitchen counter receps

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you'll find spacing requirements in NEC 210.52C and a picture of it in Exhibit 210.29

FHA should be good with the national electrical code requirement.
I for the life of me can't figure out why FHA would require a receptacle 36" from your counter.

Only thing I can think of is that the fella that is requesting this must be misled in the spacing requirements set forth in the NEC pertaining to receptacle placement of other receptacles in the adjoining spaces which could be habitable rooms and that would be a 6' distance in each direction of the receptacle not half that. So he would have a point possibly if the breaking point of the kitchen space and say a dining room was the counter from which you would measure horizontally up to 6' to receptacle max.

I may be unsure of what you're trying to say about from the corner.

Besides that in the hyarchy of things I would say that the FHA would adopt/follow what is stated in the NEC not the other way around.
I did think of one thing,
by any chance is this home being purchased by handicapped individual?
and that FHA may feel it necessary to amend the NEC and add a receptacle placement minimum 36" from a corner so that the individual can reach the receptacle?
We may need to look into ADA guidelines (for arm reach), if this is the driving regulation that FHA is going by.
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So, if this is the justification for receptacle placement then I would be interested to hear about whether you need a receptacle 36" in both directions also. And just how many receptacles minimum would be required to be reached from ADA guidelines or would all need to be accessible? And how this could violate NEC placement unless you just marry the two regulations and just have PLENTY of receptacles.
If you get the chance ask the FHA inspector what regulation states what they are asking for so we all can look it up and get a better understanding please.
If this is a single family residence, it is not required to follow ADA guidelines. If a receptacle is all that he is asking for he is missing far to many other things.
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