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New Hampshire
A fairground electrician will be installing 8 power pedestals for the purpose of serving concession trailers. Each pedestals have the "RV park 50-50-20 style receptacles." How does one start to do a load calculation on the feeder if the load is not there and could change from event to event even if it was?

I understand that opening up the Code Book would be the initial start (after getting that soda pop of course!)
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check temporary wiring section in the codebook, it may cite another section for service and feeder size, if not you can get the loads from each vendor and de rate from there
The load calc is simple- every outlet will be loaded at or over capacity :D. (I've taken to telling vendors that they only get 1800w per 20a circuit; then they don't stack two 1200w heaters and expect it to hold on all day.)
......... (I've taken to telling vendors that they only get 1800w per 20a circuit; then they don't stack two 1200w heaters and expect it to hold on all day.)

You forgot to add all the lights on the outside, plus the old, inefficient window air conditioner they cut into the side of the trailer.
I have done several and I have found it doesn't matter how much power you have installed, they will draw more, if you don't lock your box's they will run more cords to them, if the entity who holds the event charges a site fee based upon the amount of current they need, then locking the panel securely is a must, but plan to be a baby sitter or put into your contract to charge for coming out and resetting breakers, just make sure you know what to expect up front, and have what you will be supplying spelled out.
You forgot to add all the lights on the outside, plus the old, inefficient window air conditioner they cut into the side of the trailer.

:D My record for a single 20a drop is either the three warming trays @ 1200w each or the four commercial blenders, they both tripped out sometime the first day. ("Just because it works somewhere else doesn't mean it'll work here.")

put into your contract to charge for coming out and resetting breakers

Usually can't hit 'em with another fee, but I always say "the first reset's free, after that I start to get surly and it can take at least 15 minutes to get here from the other end of the site. Maybe longer..." OTOH I will tell them what to do to keep tripping, and sometimes sell them another circuit if it's available.
:D My record for a single 20a drop is either the three warming trays @ 1200w each or the four commercial blenders, they both tripped out sometime the first day. ("Just because it works somewhere else doesn't mean it'll work here.")

You forgot the nice church ladies who had someone with a clue wired up their event food trailer with a 14-50 power plug and the correct cable. Then someone who knew just enough to be dangerous created a 14-50 to 5-15 adapter so it could be plugged in to a regular edison outlet. Then they used that adapter and a 14 gauge extension cord to plug into the fairground power outlet.
They plugged it in, and the lights and the fridges started up just fine, but they couldn't understand why the breaker kept tripping when they turned on the electric skillets to fry the sausages. The donut guy next door to them called us when he saw their extension cord getting soft and smoky.
We do a big event in Bremerton and use temp construction spiders. Each vendor gets 20 A.
We make them tell us on the application how much power they will be using, amps or watts and keep the application on hand. Some times they will borrow from an adjacent booths power, and we catch that the first day.
The issue now is all receptacles are now GFCI, and there will be issues with tripping GFCIs, we send a letter explaining why there equipment works elsewhere but may not work here.
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