False Smoke Alarming

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Mentor, Ohio
I recently visited my mother's home. For the past few years she has been experiencing a minor problem with a battery-powered smoke alarm. It seems when she turns on the bathroom light, the smoke alarm (FirstAlert battery-operated) provides a brief duo-chirp, after about 3 seconds. The light-switch is about 5 feet away, on an adjacent wall in the hall. The single-pole switch operates an incandescent overhead lamp in the bathroom. I checked the connections on the switch and found a loose terminal, concluding that was the problem, but it didn't help when I tightened the connection. I didn't have my Gaussmeter to see if it was and EMF problem. I never heard of such a thing. I searched the FirstAlert website to no avail. Anyone ever had a problem like this? I didn't try moving the smoke alarm further away because it is in a position which makes sense from a fire alert perspective.
Re: False Smoke Alarming

Have heard of problems with ac/bat backups when the circuit for smokes are shared with other items.If this is bat only i would try another brand
Re: False Smoke Alarming

Are you sure it is not just a coincidental occurance? I had a homeowner claim that everytime she would turn on a light or open the refrigerator door, a smoke alarm would chirp. A chirp is generally produced by a "weak battery" condition. The smoke alarm could also possibly use some cleaning.
Re: False Smoke Alarming

They're pretty cheap too. It wouldn't answer any questions but a new one would probably fix it. :)
Re: False Smoke Alarming

To bphgravity: the lady who claimed her smoke alarm chirped when she open the fridge or turned on a light was correct. I've experienced this phenomenon myself, though still don't have an answer. It's not the same chirp as a low-battery chirping, more like a single short chirp followed by a longer chirp. I guess I could try a different brand, but that is hardly an answer. I'll keep on searching for the cause. I'm surprised that nobody has come across this before.
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