fan in radient ceiling heat

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Senior Member
Hello guys and gals.

I have been asked to install a fan in a house that has radiant ceiling heat. There is no existing fan or fixture so I will obviously be cutting a hole. I have never dealt with this before. How do I keep from cutting the wiring in the panels? Is the thickness about the same as 1/2" drywall? Any suggestions or advice on doing this?

Thanks for the replies.
Here's a few recent threads on it:

istm that turning on all the ceiling heat and testing with a NC tester or using a IR scanner where you want to drill would be the fastest and least destructive methods. If there is attic access, you may be able to find it from above too after moving insulation.

I bet you are right I could find them with the company IR cam.

I would want a cold ceiling and shoot it as is powered up. Once it's been on a while it would be harder.
I bet you are right I could find them with the company IR cam.

I would want a cold ceiling and shoot it as is powered up. Once it's been on a while it would be harder.

True, as the ceiling heats, the drywall/plaster will warm up tho a hot spot should still be visible.

Today would be a great day here to do this, cold and rainy, and as Im under the weather from another tick bite, some easy(-ier) work would be nice.

On the off (probable?) chance there is a heating mat right where the customer wants a fan, that one could be disconnected from the rest, then drill thru it and install the fan box as usual.
With a IR camera even the modest ones will show the heat cables , even when on for hours.
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