Fastening Ground Conductors to Roof

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EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
I know a couple of you guys do lightning protection systems and I have a question. I have a job where I will have to run some #4 copper ground conductors on a pitched asphalt shingled roof from an antenna installaton.

All the lightning protection systems I have seen have been on buildings with flat roofs and masonry construction so anything I saw won't really apply here.

There are basically only two types of fasteners- a copper loop with a nail and a square copper pad that gets stuck to the roof with pitch or adhesive. Which would be used? Won't a nail through the shingles cause leakage problems eventually?

Re: Fastening Ground Conductors to Roof

For antenna ground wire I have used the same "Eye Hook" that is used for coax runs. It has a center insulated holder. I use a punch to put a small hole in the roof, then place some quality silicone in the hole and twist the eye hook in. Then I place a little more silicone around the hole just to be sure. One of the jobs I did was on my parents roof about 15 years ago, no leaks yet.
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