- Location
- Central Wisconsin
The po. Co. tells me I have 10,011 amps at the top of the costumer pole. From there 2 to 3 ft. Open air 3/0 cu thwn stranded, then in rigid alu. conduit run with the neutral for 10 ft to the top of the service disc. 277/480 v 3 phase, 4 wire. Then more 3/0 in PVC for 2 ft, then the 3/0 continues inside the starter panel for 5-6ft to the top of a pump starter panel disc. After the starter disc 1 ft. Of stranded #2 cu. The serv. disc. has dual el. current limiting time del. fuses. 200 amp. The starter panel has 175a fuses of the same make. I want to know what the fault current would be at the end of the #2 cu is. From previous threads I see wire length can lower the FC. But how much? I have yet to find a calculator on line to help.
Help would be appreciated. Thanks
Help would be appreciated. Thanks