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Johns creek
Electrical Engineer
Does anyone know strategies to pass the Electrical and computer FE exam? I have been out of school for about 6 six years and I have tried taken it twice already but failed. The computer session is confusing to me because I never had to take computer science courses in college.
I'm sorry you didn't pass your test the 1st time.
My advice is always, find the nearest beer store. You may want something to settle you down after your test.
Don't give up!

Does anyone know strategies to pass the Electrical and computer FE exam? I have been out of school for about 6 six years and I have tried taken it twice already but failed. The computer session is confusing to me because I never had to take computer science courses in college.
there are classes that you can take that are designed to help you pass such things.

just like there are classes to improve your scores on other similar tests like bar exams and medical boards.

or maybe just take some computer science classes at a local jr college to get some familiarity with CS matters.
The FE exam tends to be more difficult the longer it has been since your college years. I think they provide a diagnostic report indicated where you performed the best and worst. There are some forums (engineerboards is one) where folks share stories and ideas on which courses and materials are the most helpful. OBVIOUSLY, don't share specific problems etc as that violates the agreement you signed when taking exam. Make sure you are comfortable with the calculator you choose to use and be very familiar with the supplied reference manual etc. Good luck.
I took my FE 5 or 6 years out of college too, definitely not the easiest thing to pick back up. I ended up taking the 'other disciplines' exam, partly because of the quantity of computer engineering questions and my unfamiliarity there. For prep I took a review course at a local university and also picked up a few practice exams, which were a huge help.
Stating the obvious I know, but you have looked over the published exam specifications which are fairly specific on topics and approximate quantities of what topics will be covered? If an exam area is a long ways from your knowledge base and there are a small number of questions on the topic, you may be able to develop a strategy to focus and do well on other areas.
Find a online or in person FE re-fresher course. A local university might also offer a in person continuing education class.
you asked a similar question 5 weeks ago looking for study materials.

Additional advice I can offer is to invest in an in-person FE review course if you don't feel you will be able to find study material and bone up on weak subjects yourself. Look at your local universities or even regional ones.
The most important thing in my opinion is to know your refence manual. You may not be familiar with a question but the reference manual will give you hints on how to solve the problems.

Another reason to get to know the reference manual is because the test is timed. You may spend an absorbent amount trying to figure out a problem that the reference manual has the answers to.
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