Federal Pacific safe if breakers changed with new?

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Are there replacement Federal Pacific breakers that are free of the locking problems of old? I normally just change the panel but have a client with a 600 amp distribution panel with six 100-200 amp sub feed breakers. Can I change the breakers instead of the service?
The FPE issues were with the residential Stablok loadcenters, from what I understand the rest of their product line was fine.
Are there replacement Federal Pacific breakers that are free of the locking problems of old? I normally just change the panel but have a client with a 600 amp distribution panel with six 100-200 amp sub feed breakers. Can I change the breakers instead of the service?

Through the years (70's and later)we have experienced problems with the larger molded case frame sizes in the 200 to 800A range.
I suggest you do a search on this forum for the many posts
on this subject.
Thanks for the input. I have been researching this and there is lots of evidence (and personal experience) about the dangers of the FPE stab-lok design but precious little about their bolt on breakers. My client has a 600 amp Federal Pacific type NDP distribution panel with six sub-feeds. I don't know that I can justify telling him it needs to changed.
Not any more expensive than any other breaker of the same size and rating.
Maybe if you can find the right source, or the wrong source with other breakers. How is it a $4.00 breaker from manufacturer ABC does not cost less then similar size and rating FPE that cost $25.00? Now put 20 or more of them into same installation, and then add $50 or more for each double pole compared to $12 for ABC brand, GFCI's - over $100 if you can get one, AFCI - forget it they likely don't even exist but not worth the price if they did anyway.
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