Federal procurement guide

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Senior Member
I have been getting a few calls lately being asked to advertise in the federal procurement guide. Has anyone had any luck with it or know anything about it. From what I know it is a list sent to federal goverment aggencies that they can use if desired to find contractors for jobs that are small enough that do not need to go through a bidding process. Thanks for your help. Dave


Senior Member
Durham, NC
Go to the Library and read some of the books that the Mr. "?" has wrote something like 30 about dealing with the government.

He now has Cable time (infomercials) selling his literature and also hawks it on AM radio, I remember him from Johnny Carson.
He finally got smart and started selling the information himself.

This deal is no different, they found a market and are hawking it.

You can do this all yourself or read the dudes books and get the information faster. Sorry I'm just not good with names...

Yes, I worked for many years doing exactly these small jobs, the work and the money does exist. Usually under 3K a pop.

The only problem with someone brokering your name is that one is not sure where your name goes, out of town or out of state is one example.
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Senior Member
Right here.
The only problem with someone brokering your name is that one is not sure where you name goes, out of town or out of state is one example.
Yeah, that's one of the disadvantages of being listed in The Blue Book. You'll get requests to bid work from parts unknown.


Senior Member
The feds list their procurement requirements in Fed Biz Ops. It used to be called Commerce Business Daily. If you want to do work for the feds all but the tiniest jobs are posted. If you want some of the tiny jobs that don't get listed you need to have a relationship with the contracting officer.

I don't belive for a minute that they look at a list of contractors that some company publishes. There is however nothing to stop someone from charging companies to be put on a list that is supposedly going to be sent to the government.

I have been getting a few calls lately being asked to advertise in the federal procurement guide. Has anyone had any luck with it or know anything about it. From what I know it is a list sent to federal goverment aggencies that they can use if desired to find contractors for jobs that are small enough that do not need to go through a bidding process. Thanks for your help. Dave

Got the same calls last week, and an e-mail for something similar today.
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