Feed a Panel from a Subpanel

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New member
I have a client that is saying that it states in the NEC that you can NOT feed a panel from a subpanel as it is a code violation. It's my understanding that this is a widely used practice. Does anyone know where in the code it states that you CAN feed a panel from a subpanel? Thank you!
Don't you love homeowners who hire you because of your supposed expertise but somehow they think they know more than you do. :)
To start with, have your client tell you where in the NEC the word "subpanel" appears. That will keep him busy for a while.

As to proving that it is allowed, the NEC is not written that way. There are areas in which the phrase "shall be permitted" appears. But speaking in general, if the NEC does not prohibit a practice, then that practice is considered to be allowed.
Evil? Who me? :confused:

OK. As my pennance for my evil act, I will give the client a little assistance in the search. The word "subpanel" (including the two-word version and the hyphenated version) does appear, one time and one time only, in the 2008 NEC. Neither version appeared in the 2005 NEC.

There. That is my hint. Now, Mr. Client, it is your turn to find that one occurrence, and use it to prove your point that the NEC prohibits what you say it prohibits. :D
To start with, have your client tell you where in the NEC the word "subpanel" appears. That will keep him busy for a while.

As to proving that it is allowed, the NEC is not written that way. There are areas in which the phrase "shall be permitted" appears. But speaking in general, if the NEC does not prohibit a practice, then that practice is considered to be allowed.

My first thought.:grin:
Tell the home owner that only applies on "Submarines" not buildings.
Tell your client that in large facilities such as hospitals, schools, factories, casinos, etc..., sub fed panels feed other panels which feed other panels which feed other panels which feed other panels................

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