Feed Through

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Senior Member
I have recently built a 320 amp service where I have double lugs on the load side. I have the meter socket/meter base (what ever you want to call it) on one side, then I feed to the adjacent panel. I then feed from the meter base, through the first panel into the 2nd panel. I have done this before, but the inspector today told me that this is a code violation. I thought that it was permissible to feed through a panel (no splices).

Any cod references would be appreciated. Thanks! :)
He is likely thinking of 230.7, but that only applies to raceways and does not apply to a panel enclosure. There may be an issue with 312.8 as far as the panel wireway fill, but that is not likely.
You cannot run any branch or feeder circuits through the same wireway to the second panel as the service conductors though.
The inspector would be justified in objecting to that
The CEC goes farther along these lines than the NEC though and requires a separate section of the main panel to isolate the service conductors leading to the main breaker from the rest of the wiring.
It is not a good idea to route the service conductors to the second panel adjacent to load side wires if you can avoid it, but the NEC does not prohibit it.

You also have to be sure that the double lugging of the load side of the meter socket is allowed. Use the right components.
As to the double lugging, what was installed is double lugs for all of the load wiring, (the utility company where the meter base was purchased, asked what lugs I preferred & supplied them).
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