feeder/branch circuit conductors

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Senior Member
Can branch circuit conductors be run in the same conduit as feeders? What I have is an exterior 3R 200A feed through panel that is supplying an interior panel. The main service disconnect is the 3R exterior panel, 2/0 conductors feed through a 2"LB into the house. I would like to be able to feed a couple of circuits back outside from the interior panel through the LB, is this permissable?
Can branch circuit conductors be run in the same conduit as feeders? What I have is an exterior 3R 200A feed through panel that is supplying an interior panel. The main service disconnect is the 3R exterior panel, 2/0 conductors feed through a 2"LB into the house. I would like to be able to feed a couple of circuits back outside from the interior panel through the LB, is this permissable?
I would think better to ask if we can run two or more different circuits in the same conduit, i wish if i'm not mistaken, yes we could.
Other than mixing normal and emergency circuits*, feeder and branch circuits are not prohibited from being in the same conduit.

* only scenario I can think of at present.
Once you add the smaller circuits you may have derating issues with the feeder conductors.
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