Feeder breaker in another tenant space


Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have two tenant space call them X and Y. In tenant space X I have existing panel A. In tenant space Y I have new panel B

The existing panel A has feeder breaker which feed new Panel B. New panel B feeds lights and receptacle tenant space Y.

My question is new feeder breaker in existing Panel A which is in another tenant allowed to feed new panel B which is in different tenant space according to NEC 2017?
My question is new feeder breaker in existing Panel A which is in another tenant allowed to feed new panel B which is in different tenant space according to NEC 2017?
So tenant B has not metered. I don't see an issue.
225.35, 230.72(C), 240.24(B) all have similar requirements related to multiple occupancies; that each occupant "shall have access" to supply disconnect, service disconnect, and in the case of overcurrent devices for their respective occupancy, they "shall have ready access".

If the equipment in questions is in a common space that all tenants have access to, then it's not a code issue. But if they don't you have a code issue.