Just be sure that what you call feeder conductors are not in fact service conductors. Service conductors (unprotected by source OCPD) would be considered to be inside the dwelling the whole way, and most inspectors would have problems with that.
First I have to agree with what Golddigger said - be careful what you are calling feeder conductors and don't confuse service conductors with feeder conductors.Is it permissible to run feeder conductors in PVC conduit under a mobile home in North Carolina?
Like I said before, almost every mobile home out there is designed to feed from below, wouldn't make sense to design them that way if the feeder wasn't allowed under the mobile home would it?I was referring to the four (4) conductors that run from the main breaker, located next to meter socket, and the sub-panel inside.
(H) Under-Chassis Wiring (Exposed to Weather). Where
outdoor or under-chassis line-voltage (120 volts, nominal,
or higher) wiring is exposed to moisture or physical damage,
it shall be protected by rigid metal conduit or intermediate
metal conduit, except as provided in (1) or (2). The
conductors shall be suitable for wet locations.
(1) Where closely routed against frames and equipment
enclosures, reinforced thermosetting resin conduit
(RTRC) listed for aboveground use, Type MI cable,
electrical metallic tubing, or rigid polyvinyl chloride
conduit (PVC) shall be permitted.
(2) Where extending vertically from a direct-burial depth
of at least 457 mm (18 in.) below grade and terminated
to a factory-installed conduit or enclosure, Schedule 80
PVC or RTRC listed for exposure to physical damage.