Feeder crossing property line.

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We have a plan in review that proposes feeding a sub-panel for site lighting on one parcel owned by a company from a distribution panel on the neighboring parcel owned by the same company where their actual manufacturing plant is located.

Article 225-30 addresses multiple buildings on the same parcel under the same management, but I don't see anything saying "thou shalt not cross a lot line" in the NEC. Am I to assume that is implied in "on the same property"?

The essence of 225.30 is, ?don?t use more than one feeder to serve the ?outside building.? You do not seem to be doing that. But how do you plan to cross the line? By what means have you obtained permission from the owner of the intervening property? What if that other owner wants to build something that would disturb the overhead (or underground) conductors from the manufacturing plant to the site lighting panel?
charlie b said:
But how do you plan to cross the line? By what means have you obtained permission from the owner of the intervening property? What if that other owner wants to build something that would disturb the overhead (or underground) conductors from the manufacturing plant to the site lighting panel?
Charlie, the two properies abut:

onecmoan said:
. . . a sub-panel for site lighting on one parcel owned by a company from a distribution panel on the neighboring parcel[/i] owned by the same company where their actual manufacturing plant is located.

I don't see an issue. Worst case would be a zoning issue of some sort. Maybe they'd have to have the two lots occicially joined as one.
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