...When is it worth it to upsize to the next size feeder? Is anyone familiar with the losses of a feeder of varied sizes and applications?
Interesting question. I've rarely taken the time to calculate copper losses. Probably should some day - if for no other reason than to increase my understanding.
But I do have some excuses as to why I haven't:
For sizing feeders, I'm looking at voltage drop at continuous load, voltage drop under motor starting. Generally, for inside process limits, my customers are not concerned with copper costs. They just want it to run, flatout and forever.
However, once the application gets outside of process limits, say 1000ft to 20,000ft, I have done a couple of copper cost calcs - but only far enough to see the answer was, "Buy the transformers". I have designed only a few (I hate design work - but I like design engineers**), but I have worked several, 600V, 2400V (single phase), 4160V (1ph and 3ph). It depends on the distance and the load.
And , of course you know about these guys:
But I suspect about 99% of their literature is advertising hyperbole
If you do the research and calcs I'm interested in what you find.