Feeder feeding building

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have feeder which is tapped from service equipment trough that has main service disco . The tapped feeder goes into disconnect at bldg #1. The feeder from bldg #1 goes to another building bldg #2 which goes into transformer primary breaker disconnect at bldg #2. The transformer primary is 480V delta so their is no neutral brought from bldg #1 service equipment trough.

Understand 250.32(A) requires grounding electrode system but I have no neutral since transformer primary disconnect is delta at bldg #2.


1. Would grounding electrode system at bldg #2 still be required?

2. Since their is no neutral brought their is only one bus equipment grounding bar to which GES would be connected to?

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I don't think you can have a feeder if it is tapped from service equipment and I believe you do need a neutral since it is service conductors not feeders.
You don't have to run a grounded conductor with a feeder, even a feeder to a separate building, IF there is no loads that utilize the grounded conductor. You must still run an equipment grounding conductor and that is what you will connect to the GES at the second building.

Even if you run a grounded conductor, you still are supposed to connect the EGC to the GES at the second building and keep the grounded conductor isolated from the EGC and GES.
I don't think you can have a feeder if it is tapped from service equipment and I believe you do need a neutral since it is service conductors not feeders.

I think he was describing having an additional service disconnect (legally) and a feeder to the other building.

You can have multiple "taps" to the service conductors as long as calculated load doesn't exceed the rating of the service conductors, and you don't violate the six disconnect rules.
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