For fire pumps, need a little help understanding the terminology. Coming From a fused service disconnect in the cellar of let’s say 400A/350A/3P this feeder goes to pull box on the roof. The pull box then feeds a jockey pump controller and also feeds a fire pump controller.
My first question is, is the fire pump feeder on the load side of the disconnect in the cellar actually considered a fire pump branch circuit since there’s no additional OCPD after this fused disconnect in the cellar?
I’m trying to follow the tap rules for sizing jockey pump controller conductors from the pull box on the roof. But the terminology is throwing me off since the only tap rules I know of are for feeder taps (10’ tap rule and 25’ tap rule based on the feeder OCPD), but if this is a branch circuit tap, I don’t see tap rules for this.
My first question is, is the fire pump feeder on the load side of the disconnect in the cellar actually considered a fire pump branch circuit since there’s no additional OCPD after this fused disconnect in the cellar?
I’m trying to follow the tap rules for sizing jockey pump controller conductors from the pull box on the roof. But the terminology is throwing me off since the only tap rules I know of are for feeder taps (10’ tap rule and 25’ tap rule based on the feeder OCPD), but if this is a branch circuit tap, I don’t see tap rules for this.