Feeder Tap?

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Senior Member
Can a single set of conductors connected to a circuit breaker with provisions for only one set of conductors be considered a tap?

For example, can a 225 amp breaker protect #1 conductors feed a panel protected by a 125 amp main in that sub panel under that tap rules?
Can a single set of conductors connected to a circuit breaker with provisions for only one set of conductors be considered a tap?

For example, can a 225 amp breaker protect #1 conductors feed a panel protected by a 125 amp main in that sub panel under that tap rules?
The technically yes. A tap can start right at a breakers lugs.
The real answer is in the exact details.
The language was changed in the 2020 code in an attempt to make it clear that the feeder tap can original on the terminals of the OCPD.
2020 (B) Feeder Taps.
Conductors shall be permitted to be tapped, without overcurrent protection at the tap, to a feeder as specified in 240.21(B)(1) through (B)(5). The tap shall be permitted at any point on the load side of the feeder overcurrent protective device. Section 240.4(B) shall not be permitted for tap conductors.

2017 (B) Feeder Taps.
Conductors shall be permitted to be tapped, without overcurrent protection at the tap, to a feeder as specified in 240.21(B)(1) through (B)(5). The provisions of 240.4(B) shall not be permitted for tap conductors.
Would be basically feed thru lugs. In this same thread,,, I spose we can tap 200A feed thru with number 6 to a 60A breaker but,,, this would require upsized ground wire???? I should say number 6.
Would be basically feed thru lugs. In this same thread,,, I spose we can tap 200A feed thru with number 6 to a 60A breaker but,,, this would require upsized ground wire???? I should say number 6.
The EGC for the tap is sized according to the OCPD ahead of the feeder and is not required to be larger than the tap conductors. #6 is rated for 65 amps so it would not be permitted for the 25' tap rule. 3*65=195 amps so it does not meet the 1/3 portion of the 25' rule, could be used under the 10' tap rule.
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