feeder tap?

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300 kcmil run to gutter spliced to 2 runs of 2/0 thhn 1 set to 1 of 2 panel boards. 1 has a main discconect the others main disconnect is 300 feet away at the service pole. what problems do you see with this.
Re: feeder tap?

I can't really picture. What is the overcurrent protection ahead of the 300kcmil.Industrial application? are ay of the condcutors outside the building? are the panels? is it one building?

[ February 14, 2006, 08:13 AM: Message edited by: augie47 ]
Re: feeder tap?

this is a 200 amp service for a house. 200 amp cb at pole and 200 amp as stated before only in one box the other relies on cb at pole to shut down everything
Re: feeder tap?

See 225.34 and it's neighbors for the rules regarding disconnects for outside feeders. All disconnects for a structure must be grouped. Not clear on how many structures you're talking about.

Replace the 2/0 THHN with 3/0 THHN to get rid of the feeder tap conductors. Otherwise, see 240.21(B).
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