Feeder tap

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South Bend, In
I have a 1600 amp breaker with 4- 500 mcm conductors going to a j-box. I want to tap off this feeder and go to a 100 amp panel and a 30 amp disconnect. How far can I go with these smaller conductors before they have to be fused?
Even with the 10' tap rule you would need a minimum of 160 amp (10%) tap conductors which puts you around #2/0 copper. Won't fit in a 30 amp disconnect and maybe not in the 100 amp panel.
One option is to set a small distribution panel in a location where the tap conductors will be 10' or less and then use the 10' tap rule. From there you can feed your 100 amp and 30 amp loads.
What about setting 2 fused disconnects within 10'?

That's OK but remember that the tap conductors need an ampacity that is no less than 10% of the OCPD ahead of the feeder you're tapping so the disco's would need lugs large enough to accommodate #2/0 cu conductors.
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