I agree that at first reading of 220.55, with a single wall oven, the branch circuit sizing is governed by Note 4, while the feeder load is governed by row 1 of the table. Below is an example I made up with 3 appliances.
Cheers, Wayne
So if a residential kitchen has an induction cooktop rated 30A @ 240V (7.2 kW) plus two wall ovens rated 10A @ 240V each (2.4 kW), then:
The branch circuit tap rules say you can put them all on one circuit, and Table 220.55 Note 4 says you can treat them as a single range with a nameplate of 12 kW. Then column C says you can treat it a 12 kW range as an 8 kW load. That means you can put them all on a single 40A 240V circuit?
Then for feeder load purposes, you have 3 appliances, with the cooktop falling under column B, and the wall ovens falling under column A. So the feeder load is 2 * 70% * 2.4 + 1 * 55% * 7.2 = 7.32 kW.
Does that all sound correct?