Feeders passing through Courtyard

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I have two wings of a building separated by 14' of outdoor area. I have been looking for any requirements as to these feeders going underground (other than the standard underground requirements.) It is the same building - just a shorter route - much shorter. The facility is industrial and there will be a number of conduits going to different 400A panels in various locations. The routing for all but one of them is 40 or more feet shorter using this pathing. Is there any problem with this? If it was a different building there would have to be a main. But it is the same building. Thank you for your help.
There's no problem with doing that, however for 40 feet, I wonder if it's worth doing since it's more expensive to run pipe underground then in a ceiling.
Thanks. Some of the paths are over 100' shorter - and it eliminates four turns. Panels will be bottom fed due to local obstructions. Actually, it eliminates a lot of turns, and the resulting boxes. Thank you.
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