Feeders to Multiple Buildings-Recap from 2005

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New member
new britain ct
My question is a continuation of a previous feeder forum. I have a stamped engineered drawing showing me to install (2) two conduits to feed a second structure with 4-3/0 + ground from my MDP 120/208v. The plans are dated 4/08 and stamped, the project was on hold until the economy turned around and permit finally pulled summer 2015. According to art. 225.30 this is not allowed unless certain conditions under (A) are met. I would like to confirm if (B) special occupancy would apply?
This location is a self storage location, the main building has an 800amp service entrance, the remote building will contain heat/AC and lighting for the individual units and a handful of general use plugs. Each panel is designated as a branch, would this situation designate "special occupancy"?
IMO, the dual feeders would not be allowed. (FYI the wording in the '05 Code is basically the same as later versions)
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