Feeders under a building Art 230.6(1)

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Can anyone clarify Art 230.6 (1)? Conductors of a feeder can pass under one building to another if they are under 2" of concrete beneath the other structure. Does this mean that they must be under the 3 1/2 inch slab and then 2 Inches of concrete or does the slab count.
This section is not for feeders but for service conductors. If you mean service conductors then this is the section for others to see.

230.3 One Building or Other Structure Not to Be Supplied
Through Another. Service conductors supplying a building or
other structure shall not pass through the interior of another
building or other structure.

230.6 Conductors Considered Outside the Building. Conductors
shall be considered outside of a building or other structure
under any of the following conditions:
(1) Where installed under not less than 50 mm (2 in.) of
concrete beneath a building or other structure
(2) Where installed within a building or other structure in a
raceway that is encased in concrete or brick not less than
50 mm (2 in.) thick
(3) Where installed in any vault that meets the construction
requirements of Article 450, Part III
(4) Where installed in conduit and under not less than
450 mm (18 in.) of earth beneath a building or other
(5) Where installed within rigid metal conduit (Type RMC)
or intermediate metal conduit (Type IMC) used to
accommodate the clearance requirements in 230.24 and
routed directly through an eave but not a wall of a building
I should have been clearer. If these are service conductors and they are under 2" concrete then according to the section above the service conductors are considered outside the building. I see it as you need 2" of concrete atop the conduit. If you are under the slab then you are under 2" of concrete so the slab counts
I'd say yes per (2) -- it allows you to enter with a raceway through a footer & extend the exterior of a building to the other side with concrete covering -- or just enter under a footer & never get inside of the building
I agree the NEC might allow it but you might want to run it your Building Official aif you have one and the Power Co.
I can see a multitude of issues on easements, etc. especially if the two buildings are under different ownership::: "I'm sorry, we have to tear out your bedroom floor for access to the next door service" :D.
I was assuming this wasn't power company wiring.

Now I am thinking... uh oh, LOL..... If there are 2 meters and the service conductors for the second unit run under the first then there is an issue with not having the discos group. I am thinking these are feeders which would not be an issue.
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