Feeding 700, 701 and 702 loads from a single generator


New User
EE Intern
I have a single generator that needs to feed an emergency load (NEC 700), a legally required standby load (701), and an optional standby load (702) altogether. There is a debate on whether it is best to accomplish this with three separate breakers located on the generator itself, or to use panelboards/switchboards. I am still an intern and not fully comfortable with what all of this terminology means or if I am even understanding the question correctly. Based on the research I've done, I know that the 700 load must be kept entirely independent from all other loads (not utilizing the same vertical switchgear section or panelboard enclosure), and the 701/702 loads can be combined. However, I'm not sure if this can be accomplished with the breakers on the generator or if I would need at least two panelboards/switchboards to meet these requirements. Apologies if the question is confusing, any info would help.
Can you feed 700(ish) loads from one generator?

Depends on capacity of generator, how much the loads are, whether they will run at same time, etc. :cool: