Feeding an Elevator from a different building

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Senior Member
Northeast, PA
Electrical Design
Building with a single phase service has an elevator delivered which requires 3 phase power (we've all been in a similar situation with some piece of equipment, right? ). We warned the architect about this ahead of time. They stated at that time it was going to be one of those small residential lifts which will only require a single phase circuit which is what was provided on the drawing but it seems they decided to change their mind for whatever reason 6 months down the road and switch to a commercial style elevator. So .... It was asked if they can feed the elevator from an adjacent building they own which does have a three phase service. I tooled around the NEC looking for the exact you can't do that per NEC Article ? section ? because...... which I know exists but I thought I would get a quicker response using the expertise of this forum. Thanks for responding!
Seems as though this would be a feeder from the first building. 230.2 says a building shall have only 1 service there are exceptions for voltage and phase's. 230.2 E says " where a building is supplied by more than 1 service or a combination of branch circuits, feeders and services ..........."

So it would seem it is possible
I would probably hang my hat on 225.30(D) noting all the requirements
Thanks for the replies however after reading all of 225.30 it makes me ask this.... The building that will be receiving the branch circuit for the elevator also has its own electric service. 225 only seems to deal with a building that ONLY has a feeder or branch circuit coming into it. For example an exterior detached garage. Does it matter if the building also has its own service ad receives a branch circuit from another building?Hope I am not muddying the waters!
Someone else may be able to do so, but I can't put my finger on applicable Code Article.
Art 230 discusses more than one service and, in that you have a single phase service, a 3 phase service could be added under the "different characteristic" rule and the same applies for feeders {225.30(D)} but I don't know where the Code addresses one service/one feeder.
The situation has occurred in this area and we used the 225.37 rule but the answer will depend on input from your AHJ.
To me it seems clear unless I am reading it wrong which is certainly possible.

2020 230.2 E.
Identification......"Where a building or structure is supplied by more than one service or any combination of branch circuits, feeders and services, a permanent plaque or directory shall be installed........."

So needing a 3 phase service where only single phase exists is allowed by 230.2 D

Either way the AHJ will be involved.
Not sure I see how that would work. Only other thing I was thinking was a phase converter,
Done pretty often, I installed a three phase feed for a future elevator for a Church, when they installed it, it was single phase with a vfd for the three phase motor. Had to run a larger single phase feed overhead because I didn't have room in my pipe in the slab.
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