Feeding two sub panels from one breaker

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I have a question about sub panels. I want to feed two separate 100 amp sub panels from a main panel. For reasons that would take a while to explain, I would like to feed both with the same 100 amp breaker in the main panel. Both sub panels are in the same building as the main panel and would be in reality using about 50% of their 100 amp capacity. I would achieve this by having two hots, a neutral, and a ground leave the main panel as a branch circuit (no double tapping at the breaker). These wires would travel via conduit a short distance to a junction box. At the junction, two additional conduits would travel to each sub panel. In the junction box, I plan on using split bolt connectors to join the connections to each panel. All hot and neutral wires would be #2 copper, ground would be #8 or #6. I know that there is no way this wouldn't work and there is no danger of any wires being subject to over current. My question is does the NEC forbid this kind of configuration for some reason?
What you propose appears to be Code compliant.
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