Fiber Optic Cable in conduit with other low voltage wiring

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Senior Member
I have a project where we ran a 2" conduit from the exterior emergency generator yard to a Remote Generator Annunciator Panel inside a building. I beleive this is 3-#18 THWN, 24V. We now need to put a data switch at the generator yard but don't have any other raceway going to the generator yard exept the 2" conduit for the Generator Annunciator. We need to run single mode Fiber Optic cable in this 2" conduit that has the 3-#18 for the generator annuciator. Per code can this be run in the same conduit? Per NEC 770.110(B)(2) I think this can be done, but I also read NEC 303.3(C)(1) and have some doubts. Please advise if this can be done? thank you for your help.
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