Fiber optic schools

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Senior Member
I am looking to send a employee to a school to become a Fiber Optic Broadband Technician. Can anybody recommend a good school that has all the certification. Anywhere is the country is fine. Also, do they have a certified classification? Do some of you contractors state in your literature that you are a certified fiber optic installer? Any thoughts or suggestions would be great!


[ June 26, 2005, 02:49 AM: Message edited by: copper123 ]
Re: Fiber optic schools

I went to a one day deal put on by AMP (now TYCO) in Harrisburg, PA a few years ago to learn termination techniques. Once you learn the basics, it's just a small leap to start using connectors by other manufacturers. I didn't learn anything with respect to testing, installing, and troubleshooting fiber, only termination. I think just about all the manufacturers put on classes at their headquarters for a bargain.
Re: Fiber optic schools

Can anybody recommend a good school that has all the certification.

I don't think there is any such thing as certification, least of all for fiber alone. You might want to look into BICSI ( Looks like their OF100 course is what you want.

Re: Fiber optic schools

The Light Brigade, out of the Seattle Area, seems to be one of the biggest in the fiber training area.
They have classes nation wide
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