Fiberglass Conduit


St. Louis
Electrical Design
I was attending a meeting recently. We are working with an electrical contractor I know very well. I am providing engineering to this electrical contractor to upgrade an existing distribution for a grain elevator. We are provide two (2) 600 ampere 480 volt services to two (2) motor control centers in an existing dog house on the roof of the storage bins.

The plan is to route these conduits several hundred feet on the outside of the concrete storage bins up the the MCC's. The E.C. is proposing fiberglass conduit. I have not ever used or know anyone who has used this product.

I would to know if anyone has any opinion pro or con using this product. Does this conduit type have the same conduit fill ratio as EMT or PVC.

Thanks as always

Dan Craven
We've used it for lightning protection conductors. It is very rigid and hard as a rock. I don't think that it can be field bend like PVC as we've always used manufactured bends. Take a look at Article 355 Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit.