Filing For Electrical Permits (NJ specific?)

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Electrical Contractor
I'm not sure this applies to everyone across the country but I ran into this recently in NJ. While at a Bldg. Dept. in NJ I was told that I now have to fill out ALL the information in areas that are not shaded on the face of the manila folder. I'm not sure if this is a State requirement or just a local thing. I don't see why I should have to fill out the areas listed below if I'm only doing an electrical service upgrade. The Bldg. Inspector advised me that when I go to do a survey for an upgrade I have to take notice of the type of structure or residence that I plan to work in so that I can accurately fill in these areas :

III - Plan review (do you want 1. [ ] Partial releases 2. [ ] Prototype processing)(did not apply in my case)
IV - Does or will your bldg contain any of the following ? (did not apply in my case)
VI - Bldg characteristics ( I had to fill in # of stories, area of largest floor and wetlands - no)
VII - Description of bldg use (I had to fill in "state specific use" - R-5 and "Const. classification" - VB)

I have both a call and an e-mail into the State DCA Code Assistance Unit but to date have not had a response. Is anyone else running into this or is it just my good looks that expose me to this grief ?:cool:
I have pulled several permits in NJ and never had to provide that info. Sounds like this particular inspectors own wish list.

I agree. I pull permits all the time in NJ. Never have I been required to fill out the sections mentioned.
At my last job I had filed at least several hundred permit applications and maybe two or three came back and asked for the information. That said, if it's on the jacket they have every right to request it.

Many moons ago I had created a PDF document that included the front and insides of the jacket as well as all the technical sections as fillable PDF's. Each location for the same information was an identical field, so everywhere the block and lot numbers appeared, you filled them in once and they showed up everywhere. Saved huge amounts of time filling out permits and kept the information identical from sheet to sheet.
At my last job I had filed at least several hundred permit applications and maybe two or three came back and asked for the information. That said, if it's on the jacket they have every right to request it.
That's fine. FWIW, I did get a response from the State regarding this and was told the same thing - If it isn't a shaded area the township can require you to fill it out. Now, in reality, as an electrical contractor filing for a service up-grade for a 1-family residence do I need to know :
  • # of stories
  • Height of structure
  • Area of the largest floor
  • Flood hazard zone
  • Base flood elevation
I live in the mountains. If we have a flood here it's the end of the world !!!

Many moons ago I had created a PDF document that included the front and insides of the jacket as well as all the technical sections as fillable PDF's. Each location for the same information was an identical field, so everywhere the block and lot numbers appeared, you filled them in once and they showed up everywhere. Saved huge amounts of time filling out permits and kept the information identical from sheet to sheet.
I don't have a problem filling out the forms as long as there is somewhere on a website where I can get all that info. The tax records only show block & lot #'s and I can usually have that filled out before I get there. Now if they ask "Are the HO's current with their taxes ?" I can answer that from the tax records page.:p
Just an FYI to all those who responded to this thread, I contacted the DCA Code Assistance unit and they informed me that the building inspector is entitled to ask for this information. Apparently there are some EC's (mostly at the shore areas) that are installing meter enclosures too low in flood zones or in some cases where POCO employees are allowing and encouraging this to take place. That said, and as I mentioned previously, I live in a mountainous area. If there's a flood I would expect to see Noah passing by in an Ark. I mentioned that to the DCA and was told that there are houses in areas that have brooks and streams that might be considered to be in a flood zone. I'm at least 40-50' higher than the closest lake but I have a sump pump in my basement. Am I in a flood zone :?:p
Just me but if the house were in the mountains and I was upgrading a service I would just fill in that info by guessing. Floor zone:no largest area 30 'X 55' house= 1650, etc.. Done.
Just me but if the house were in the mountains and I was upgrading a service I would just fill in that info by guessing. Floor zone:no largest area 30 'X 55' house= 1650, etc.. Done.
That's probably what I'll end up doing. I just think it's a ridiculous requirement for just an electrical service upgrade. If you stop and think about the logic of it, why would I need to know the information in part VI for a residence if I'm only upgrading the electrical service ?
That's probably what I'll end up doing. I just think it's a ridiculous requirement for just an electrical service upgrade. If you stop and think about the logic of it, why would I need to know the information in part VI for a residence if I'm only upgrading the electrical service ?

I could see providing some of that information if you're in a flood zone, a barrier island or on Barnegat Bay but otherwise it pretty useless for an upgrade.
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