I don't understand...what "money"?
Of course you have to pay filing/application fees, but money - as in pay someone to write the experience for you?
Just write what you have done...if you can't indicate what you have done on paper, how can anyone else ? The Board does not look for "keywords"...everyone's experience is different.
Did you put in pipe?
Pull wire?
Mount boxes and enclosures?
Just write it down.
You don't have to indicate every screw you turned, but saying "I worked at Merck as a maintanece electrician maintaining electrical equipment for 10 years" isn't going to cut it. You just need to describe - in some detail - what you have done. The board has seen 1000's of applications...many get returned for failing to accurately describe the work experience...so you add more words to it and re-submit it ~ no extra fee (to my knowledge).
If you're really stumped on what to write ~ take a look at the ads for an electrician at monster.com (or any classified section of a newspaper)..."borrow" some words - but be honest, the Board is not comprised of fools ~ they have seen 1000's of applications and can see right through a line of crap.
Filing out the application is only one very small part of the puzzle. No offense, but if you can't fill out the app., how do you expect to pass the test where the "keywords" actually do come into play?