Finding Work

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Senior Member
Ogdensburg, NY
quogueelectric said:
Do nice neat clean work and you will get referals.

Agree 100% quoque, but that includes proper English, and being as polite as possible. Sir, Maam, please, thank you and handshakes all fit in there. You'd be truly amazed at the looks I get for taking my shoes off at the door as well:grin: Seriously, I have done several appliance calls, and I think me taking my shoes off was more impressive than my work. Alright guys, don't slam me on that one:grin: Alot of guys use the slip-over booties which are great. I've been to some houses that have more pet hair than carpet:rolleyes:

There was another thread on this, one of the fellas slipped up bad over a two way radio in a hospital, I doubt he ever got any side work from the nurses who heard him. You guys remember what he said?

It involved a nun, and doesn't need to be reposted, but I sure laughed my *ss of, right into tears actually.

RESPECT, I could of just left it at that. That sums it all up;)


Senior Member
thats good once he gets work....but without getting the work to begin with, how can he get repeat and referrals?


Senior Member
Ogdensburg, NY
emahler said:
thats good once he gets work....but without getting the work to begin with, how can he get repeat and referrals?

Very true, but my point was you can get 5,6,7,8,9............other jobs from just one initial call if you make the right impression. We all know about first impressions!
76nemo said:
You'd be truly amazed at the looks I get for taking my shoes off at the door as well:grin: S:grin:
Personally, I've always been amazed at service people that do that! And, I usually have more dog hair than carpet, even if I just vacuumed!

Have you tried advertising? A lot of communities (at least in Ohio) have local "newspapers" that sell business card sized ad space pretty affordably. Other than that, if you do commercial, you can try calling construction companies to get your foot in the door, or just stopping by job sites.

Door to door sales is kinda iffy, imho. It can make you look like a storm chaser, or a start up.

Any way you go, good luck!
I have collected FAX numbers from every source. On scheduled times during the month I FAX fliers to a percentage of my "potential customers". It is cheap and instant.

Good luck,

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