Following the general advice to "write about what you know", the Siemens FireFinder XLS has a 12 amp power supply that pulls 3.5A at 120VAC. I can load four of them - which is the max you can put in a single enclosure - on a 15 amp circuit . The XLS is a high end panel and it's difficult to imagine anything out there that would need 48 amps of DC power, except maybe a very badly designed voice evac system. Really huge buildings will have transponder panels with the same limitations.
A ten-story building with 10,000 sqft per floor would be 14amps/100,000 sqft or 0.00014 amps/sqft. Do you really care?
The important thing to note is that the fire alarm system will require a dedicated circuit. So will each booter panel or transponder panel, if they are remote from the main panel.