Fire alarm pull station question

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Senior Member
Building has retail on first floor and 3 levels of apartment above. Each of the apartment has a back door that exits directly to an outside stairway. Is a pullstation required in the apartment at the back door?
Re: Fire alarm pull station question

I would say yes. The fire alarm code (NFPA 72) requires a pull station within 5 feet of each means of egress.

However, I strongly urge you to consult the AHJ and/or fire marshall before proceeding. I have been in situations where a pull station was installed, and the AHJ asked for it to be removed because it wasn't an "official" egress door even though it led directly outside to ground level. This mistake was made because neither plans not the AHJ was consulted ahead of time. :roll:
Re: Fire alarm pull station question

I would say no, unless the back door is also an exit for the retail space.

The manual fire alarm pull station would be required for all exits from the retail space, but not apartment exits.

Posted by Peter D:

the AHJ asked for it to be removed because it wasn't an "official" egress door
I think your AHJ was in error. I don't see anything in NFPA 72 that limits the placement of pull stations. You could put them at every single doorway if you wanted to.

Re: Fire alarm pull station question

There is an exception in the life safety code that pull stations are not required in dwelling units that are protected by a sprinkler system.
Re: Fire alarm pull station question

I was apparently letting my local code bias influence my answer. the local code here requires pull stations on each level of the building at each egress door.

Steve, I agree, but around here arguing with the Fire Marshalls is equivalent to banging one's head against a wall. :roll:
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