Fire alarm wiring

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Senior Member
New York
Fire alarm systems today are all power limited with class 2 or class 3 power supplies, which classifies them as PLFA systems?

For the wiring on the line side of these fire alarm systems (tap ahead of main, fused disconnect switch, tap rules, etc.), is this wiring considered NPLFA or is it still considered PLFA?

I?m trying to find the section of codes that give the requirements for fire alarm power wiring on the line side of a PLFA system, which sections should I look?
I?m trying to find the section of codes that give the requirements for fire alarm power wiring on the line side of a PLFA system


All of chapters 1 through 4 apply to the installation of the dedicated branch circuit described in 760.121(B) which is essentially the same wording as is for power sources of NPLFA fire alarm circuits 760.41(B)

There are more requirements of the power supply in NFPA 72 10.6.

Up to the point of the power supply though the "Line side" is just a branch circuit and neither a PLFA nor NPLFA circuit.
Thanks for the input.

There?s something I don?t understand though. NYC electrical code modifies the NEC and only modifies section 760.41 in regards to tapping the main service for the primary power source. There?s no modifications at all for 760.121 except for deleting two fine print notes.

To me this could mean a few things. Does this mean that the NYC electrical code considers the line side wiring of a PLFA system as actually NPLFA wiring and simply made these modifications here? Or could it mean that the NYC electrical code only has these modifications for NPLFA and no modifications to a PLFA system (which doesn?t make sense to me since all PLFA systems require taps ahead of main)? Thoughts?
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