Fire caulked recess can

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Senior Member
In a modular home I am working on there is a short in the living room light circuit. I narrowed it down to the switch leg going up to the 6 cans. I wanted to pull the first can down to get to the j-box and disconnect the wires to determine if it was in the lights or the switch leg coming up. So I took the 3 little screws out of the can to try and pull the light down to access and it wouldn't budge. Wouldn't move up, down, sideways, nothing. Then I noticed red fire caulk in one of the slots in the can and also on the tips of the screws I took out. The HO said they caulked the lights for an air seal, I think there was one section exposed where the sections joined together where he saw that. This makes no sense to me as there is an air seal sticker in the cans and these cans are on the first floor of a colonial. I was wondering if this was a proper way to air seal a recess can? I would think not if it seals it so hard you can't take it out. Fortunately for me it is the mod home company's problem.
If you can't access the j-box, it's the same as covering up a box behind the sheetrock.

or welding a steel cover onto a 1900 box

or any other "no access" scenario
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